![OVER SEKSISME EN RACISME IN OPERA // MOZARTS ZAUBERFLÖTE WORDT PROEFKONIJN](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1521212039925-171DTB0PD3XLZQCAR1J9/Logo_O_grey-grey.jpg)
Waar in de beeldende kunst de discussie over de diversiteit inmiddels is opgepakt, lijkt de operawereld daar nog lang niet. Seksistische of racistische inhoud in opera’s wordt liever ontweken, verbloemd of met handige kunstgrepen ‘weg-geregisseerd’. Niet-witte makers zijn er nauwelijks en vrouwen zijn nog altijd in de minderheid. Het progressieve geluid vindt amper bestaansrecht binnen het 19e eeuwse machtssysteem. Bewerken van deze oude meesterwerken is volgens de meeste gatekeepers taboe; tekst en vooral muziek moeten onaangeroerd blijven. Voor gewaagd experiment is het operagenre eigenlijk te duur. Maar wie herkent zich nog in deze archaïsche vertellingen? Tegen wie praat de opera eigenlijk nog? En wat gebeurt er als ‘iemand anders’ eens het woord krijgt?
In april 2018 trekken Operafront, CT Collective en De Balie samen op om ‘de opera’ in één week tijd verder te brengen. Op 14 april breken we het gesprek over de toekomst van de opera verder open met een Baliedebat. We gaan niet praten over óf er iets moet veranderen, maar over hoé we dit gaan doen. Van 16 tot 21 april krijgen vier bekende schrijvers en vier jonge makers de sleutel van het Compagnietheater om vijf dagen lang met zangers en acteurs de seksistische en het racistische trekjes uit de Zauberflöte te herformuleren.
Op 21 & 22 april gaat de grote zaal van het Compagnietheater open en kan publiek komen kijken en luisteren naar Anousha Nzume, Minou Bosua, Camille Darby (US), Ngozi Anyanwu (US) als schrijvers en Nina Spijkers en Lisenka Heijboer als maker. Moderator Presentaties: Nicole Terborg.
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "When I think about Die Zauberflöte, the first thing that comes to mind is the importance of shifting the narrative about women to illustrate how multi-dimensional and complex we are...powerful, flawed, clever!"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523390707129-SX0R8LSC6H6RU5X9WBW3/Camille-Darby2.jpg)
"When I think about Die Zauberflöte, the first thing that comes to mind is the importance of shifting the narrative about women to illustrate how multi-dimensional and complex we are...powerful, flawed, clever!"
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "When I think of Die Zauberflöte, I think of an adventurous struggle between good and evil. Filled with all kinds of different characters it's up to you to decide which side you're on."](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523390790706-0FR9UJ0R7CGCK52BTLTP/Lionel-van-Lawrence2.jpg)
"When I think of Die Zauberflöte, I think of an adventurous struggle between good and evil. Filled with all kinds of different characters it's up to you to decide which side you're on."
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "What comes to mind when I think of Die Zauberflöte is beautiful music and themes of 'olden times' which are in need of a fresh and daring remake. It is a great honor to get a chance to work on this forward thinking project wi](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523540195583-4A4ZC118M7484I8F5DYM/Anousha+Nzume.jpg)
"What comes to mind when I think of Die Zauberflöte is beautiful music and themes of 'olden times' which are in need of a fresh and daring remake. It is a great honor to get a chance to work on this forward thinking project with amazing singers, musicians and designers. I think Mozart would definitely approve!"
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "Nothing is more exciting than watching Die Zauberflöte for the first time. The playfulness of the libretto and the music never fails to captivate me even after so many times I watched."](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523390765046-DEXJNGXV28P202NF67N0/Marlina-Deasy-Hartanto2.jpg)
"Nothing is more exciting than watching Die Zauberflöte for the first time. The playfulness of the libretto and the music never fails to captivate me even after so many times I watched."
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT I've got two answers to the question what comes to your mind…. "Here she is; my queen of day and night.” "Mother, mother! Are you listening?"](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523391086747-A2BFMN13AB9SQ1VU7EK2/Minou-Bosua.jpg)
I've got two answers to the question what comes to your mind….
"Here she is; my queen of day and night.”
"Mother, mother! Are you listening?"
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "The Zauberflöte is a brilliant opera, with its outstanding, vivid and catching music, its symbolism, its peculiar form of the Singspiel, and its challenging recitative-part for a conductor. Mozart is at his best in opera; and as](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523540063462-CW8Z618GRSF4V775OKQN/Evert-Jan+de+Groot_def.jpg)
"The Zauberflöte is a brilliant opera, with its outstanding, vivid and catching music, its symbolism, its peculiar form of the Singspiel, and its challenging recitative-part for a conductor. Mozart is at his best in opera; and as Mozart is one of the best composers and as this is one of his best opera’s, this opera is one of the most beautiful creations mankind can be proud of."
![WHEN I THINK ABOUT "When I think of the Magic Flute there is the unification of two seemingly opposites: trivial lightness against deep sorrow. The work clarifies how essential it is that both are existent in the same dimension. It describes life i](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51e92e01e4b001fd0a6b10fb/1523635582843-VYXD8REE029SP720AJ7J/Charlie_Bo+Meijering_def.jpg)
"When I think of the Magic Flute there is the unification of two seemingly opposites: trivial lightness against deep sorrow. The work clarifies how essential it is that both are existent in the same dimension. It describes life in the most lyrical and honest way."